The Devslopes Experience Version Week#3

Carlos Martinez
3 min readJun 14, 2021


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Ok so Devslopes is really amazing, I love the way they introduce a new topic and have you practice it so it can be fresh in your mind then move on to the next one. At the end of every week to put said skills into the test into something a bit more challenging which I love.

Introduction to CSS Layouts: Grids & Flexbox

In week #3 is where Devslopes introduces you into more advance ways to lay out your website using CSS tools such as grids and flexboxes. Each have their own way to be used and of course pro’s and con’s. Grids are very useful when you have to consider and organize your layout horizontally & vertically. Flexboxes however are great if you’re only interest in your layout to be 1 dimensional meaning either horizontal or vertical not both. Devslopes does a good job on explaining what each tool does and they do a lot. These tools are probably one of the strongest ones when it comes to layout and basically being able to move any item in your website where you desire it. Flexboxes & Grids are used in most (if not all) website and that should tell you how powerful these tools are.

Responsive Websites

In this week (week#3) Devslopes introduces you into building a responsive website. But what is a responsive website? and why is it so different? I thought you’d never ask… *clear throat*. A responsive website is a web design with the approach to respond and behave based on the environment i.e screen size, platform & orientation. It’s good practice to make all of your websites one way or another responsive. In today’s day in age where mobile phones and tables are really popular, you have to keep them in mind too when building your website. Put yourself in the user’s shoes, How often do you really go to your computer just to google something? I know I rarely do. All I do is pull out my phone and browse the web, look for whatever I need and put it back into my pocket…. easy. You see now that you think about it you do it a lot too don’t you?. Well mobile & tablet user deserve some of that wonderful user experience you want them to enjoy so much so let’s do them a favor and make your website responsive.

Week#3 Honest Opinion

Week#3 is where it gets tough, there’s no other way to go about it. This is where you will find yourself getting frustrated and think about your life decisions that lead you to this exact moment (ok maybe not) but it is frustrating. Frustration is really common how-ever and to be quite frank it’s normal but us as developers we are to over come those hurdles to achieve or task and project deadlines. Week #3 made me go in a roller coaster of emotions but it thought me a lot of things about myself a lot more than just coding. Week #3 thought me that is OK to be frustrated and also how to be self-efficient. If you don’t know something or not sure how to use a tag , look it up. I’m sure you’ll find an article or at least a guide on how to use it. Trust we’ve all been there. Don’t give up and keep moving forward.



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