oh, React…
In Devslopes Module 9 we are introduced to a JavaScript library called React, this library is component-based and it makes a life of a developer way easier. React was created by Facebook in 2013, and since is component-based that means that you can build a component and use it on a different project. This allows you to build your own “toolbox” of components and refer to them easily.
During this week we learned how to use class components, states, and props. A state object is where you store property values that belong to the component, when this changes the component re-renders. Props are arguments passed into React components and are passed via HTML attributes. Think about props like function arguments in JavaScript.
React is really useful as you learn more about React you’ll be able to easily create components the best thing is that React has a lot of documentation and if you get stuck the community is amazing. You can get started with react here: https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html
Good luck out there, and happy coding!